Search Engine traffic is the way you are going to get good amount of visitor to your site. People usually search for business/organizations and relative terms and not precisely what you sell unless you have already advertised it to the particular customer. Having best related keywords in search engine will have very targeted traffic to your site. Also it is important to make sure your website is positioned for the best targeted search engine traffic to increase your rankings. Below are the 5 point checklist that in my opinion you should go over before even planning e-commerce site.
1. Domain Name: Domain name is the most important item to be considered when going for an e-commerce site. The domain name should essentially carry the keywords you will use to target the site. Also while trying to go for targeted keyword domain you should also try to get it as shorter as possible. For example, if you have a directory website, then you should go for having a directory word in your domain. Here the name will be much bigger but if it is easy to spell like directoryalley then you should definitely go with it. Also if the keyword you are trying does not have any good combination domain available try getting similar keywords domain like for directory, index would be perfect so getting indexrated would be perfect for directory.
2. Titles: The second most important part of the checklist is Title of website. It should contain your keyword phrases and should be different and most relative for each page thus increasing the potency of each page and giving it much strength in SERPs. You can also increase your targeted search engine traffic with repeating the keywords for the page as close to top of page as possible. Also make titles of pages attractive and interesting which will allure users into coming to your site. For example, you want to have targeted search engine traffic to your website servicing submission to web directories and have an article of submitting to web directories. In this case, you should name the article with your targeted search engine traffic while making it more attractive, something like, 5 Absolute unwritten laws of Web Directory Submissions.
3. Content: The content of the page also carries importance for getting the targeted search engine traffic and should contain informative and keyword rich data. However you should not go overboard and use all or most of your keywords in a single page. Spread them out throughout the site and use only one keyword or key phrase per page. More the keywords per page more diluted the power of each of your keywords.
4. Keep your site Updated and always current: Search Engines like sites with updated or current data. You should try to keep your site as current as possible and should update it daily and if not possible weekly. More current the data more pages will be cached in the search engines and more traffic. Also people like more current data and fresh content. Irrelevant and out of date content turn your visitors off and thus will lead to decreasing amount of returning visitors.
5. Keep your site Simple: Simplicity goes long way in website design and getting traffic. Try to make as simple and as attractive as possible. Make your site look professional and relevant to the subject. As soon as you try to use out of place style or phrases, you will lose visitors!
This concludes my 5 point checklist for targeted search engine traffic. Hope it serves the goal in getting targeted search engine traffic to your site.
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