Many people spend a lot of money on pay per click advertising because they cannot seem to get their websites listed on search engines such as Google and Yahoo. However, there are some simple modifications that they can make to render their web pages more likely to be listed on the search engine indices once their site has been visited.
A visit by any search engine is prized, but when it does happen then you should be ready to make the most of it. Although not many search engines take much notice of meta tags these days, there is always the possibility that some might. There is no one single way to optimize a website, and it usually a combination of a number of factors that earns a page a high listing in a major search engine.
Your view should always be that if it doesn’t hurt you to do it, then do it! You should therefore include Keyword and Description meta tags in your html on every single page of your website that you want the spiders to visit, and name the pages that you don’t want visited in a robots.txt file, or use the nofollow attribute in the robots meta tag on the page concerned. This stops you wasting useful robot time on your site by allowing them to visit such pages as your 'Contact Page’ or one full of affiliate links.
You should also let the spiders know what your page is about. They can find that out by themselves simply by scanning your main text, but it is always better to include the main keyword for each page in the title of the page, and to place the title in H1 tags. You should also place any secondary keywords that you have listed in the keywords meta tag as subtitles in H2 tags.
This will improve the chances of your web page being listed for your main keyword, and perhaps even one or two minor long tail keywords if they have a reasonable demand and little supply. There are other modifications that you can make to your page, and also some design considerations to take into account that can be just important, and in fact many are even more important in leading to high listing positions for your web page.
It is important to remember that first text on your page is regarded as being important, so make sure that the spider sees your titles and most of the body text in the first few hundred words it reads. If you fail to do that then your chances of a high listing are dependant more on the number of incoming links you have than on the content of your web page.
Make sure that your content is relevant to the main keyword you are using for the page, and that the keyword is relevant to the general theme of your website. If you then include a good supply of relevant text associated with that keyword, you have an excellent chance of being listed.
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